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ransomware decryptor .kodc [Solved][Closed]

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In terms of recovering/decrypting the files, this type of virus usually encrypts the files with very high bit keys, and in very rare cases a decryptor can be created, usually due to failure or careless programming of the malware. But in the vast majority it is not possible, at least at the moment.

You can check if the ransomware that attacked you currently has the possibility to be decrypted here: https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/index.php?lang=en

You can find information that can help you here: https://www.nomoreransom.org/en/index.html

Also try the utilities offered by Kaspersky: http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/utility

If you are a Kaspersky user with a valid license, open a support ticket in my Kaspersky account, send them a sample of an encrypted file, and if you have the same file unencrypted.


Your computer is infected with the STOP/DJVU ransomware.

Unfortunately, in most cases, it’s not possible to recover the files encrypted by this ransomware because the private key which is needed to unlock the encrypted files is only available through the cybercriminals.
However, if your files were encrypted with an offline key there is a chance you can recover them by using Stop Djvu decryption tool.


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In terms of recovering/decrypting the files, this type of virus usually encrypts the files with very high bit keys, and in very rare cases a decryptor can be created, usually due to failure or careless programming of the malware. But in the vast majority it is not possible, at least at the moment.

You can check if the ransomware that attacked you currently has the possibility to be decrypted here: https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/index.php?lang=en

You can find information that can help you here: https://www.nomoreransom.org/en/index.html

Also try the utilities offered by Kaspersky: http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/utility

If you are a Kaspersky user with a valid license, open a support ticket in my Kaspersky account, send them a sample of an encrypted file, and if you have the same file unencrypted.


Your computer is infected with the STOP/DJVU ransomware.

Unfortunately, in most cases, it’s not possible to recover the files encrypted by this ransomware because the private key which is needed to unlock the encrypted files is only available through the cybercriminals.
However, if your files were encrypted with an offline key there is a chance you can recover them by using Stop Djvu decryption tool.



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