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Quick & Unexpected shutdowns have been happening recently on both my laptop and mobile


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I've been using Total Security for at least 10 years and never had an issue until recently.

I have a 2.5 year old PC HP laptop running Windows 10 and a 2 year old Android phone running whatever the latest update is. I extended my Kaspersky licence to my phone. I use the Chrome browser on both devices.

Over the past 2 to 3 months (it's sept. 4, 2022), both devices have suddenly shut off while I was in the middle of something. Re: my phone, it's happened in the middle of me writing a text and in the middle of a phone call.

On my laptop, it has happened while I was working in an excel document and while I was shopping online and about to hit the checkout button.

Those are just the examples I can remember.

I have been able to restart my phone afterwards but my laptop doesn't want to power on afterwards. I sometimes can't use it for hours. Once it was about 2 days before it would start again. At the moment, I'm not able to power it up and I don't know how to resolve that.

Perhaps this is just coincidence but lately, I've been getting the occasional pop-up that tells me I've exceeded my 300 MBs of VON protection and offers a button for extended protection. I followed it once to find out it's trying to sell me an add-on. I've told it to get lost every other time.

Has anyone else experienced any of the above?

Does Kaspersky know about it?

When I'm able to get back into my laptop, is there anything I can do so that it won't happen again?


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