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Please scan my website

Go to solution Solved by Danila T.,

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I’ve been advised that it can take months to get a website scanned.  I’ve had this site for a few years now and it still is listed as no information on website safety.  I’m wondering if I can ask for it to be scanned please?  I hope this is the right place to ask.


Thank you.

  • Solution

“Icons in search results are displayed according to Reputation Service (KSN). I guess everyone knows what the reputation is. It is about user's opinion. It shows how many our users trust a website (or consider it's dangerous). Grey icon means that there are still not enough opinions of our users. It is obviously connected to a website popularity and visiting rate. But it does not mean that the website is infected. Our databases will not detect and block safe website. But the reputation is a bit different from databases. Threat Intelligence Portal  can say that the website has not a malware but it will still have Grey icon until enough user opinions is not collected. Once it is - the website gets Green or Red icon in the reputation service. There is nothing to do from our side or from owner's side in order to add the website to the Reputation service. It is totally automated process. Reputation is not about viruses, it is about trustfulness.
Hope this helps.”

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