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Nvidia 431.60 and Kapersky (g) causing issues with rendering on my PC.


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I've done the update to Kapersky earlier today. The most recently update to it is causing issues with rendering on my PC. The issues only persist while kapersky is running and immediately disappear when the AV software is killed. Software releases below. Nvidia 431.60 Kapersky (g) Both are the most recent patches. This post is to make others aware of this issue to save some troubleshooting time and to make Kapersky aware of a error as well.
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As the Nvidia drivers have been functioning flawlessly since July 23 and this all started with the update I had for kapersky yesterday as well as only presists when Total security is active. I don't see the need to go to nvidia forums about this. If anything It may be time to cancel my subscription to kapersky and search out something new.
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