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New Download States Expired [Solved][Closed]

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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I've just tried to email Kaspersky re my problem, but each time I try, selecting different 'headings' & 'more specifically' I keep on getting that there's no such Order Number as the one I've input, yet it it's exactly right as I've copied and pasted it from the email order acknowledgement and also from the invoice PDF. The order was placed on 1st August 2019 so it shouldn't have vanished from their records. Bur here's the text of my email to Kaspersky which extremely annoyingly won't send: Re order (number deleted for the forum) I had to place this order as the link to my renewal wasn't working, and today I had install the new package as the old expired, first having to uninstall the old one for it to work. I've done that successfully, but while on this site it shows how many days I have remaining on it, when I click on the Kaspersky Total Security shortcut - which has worked re the database update - I still have the red lettering stating "subscription expired" and the red warning at the top of the window.
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Hello GnosticSpirit, Welcome!
  1. When you log into your MyKaspersky account - https://my.kaspersky.com/MyLicenses#/ is your device "synced" with the MyKaspersky account?
  2. Is the Kaspersky software you have showing "active"?
  3. If you go to: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/ - select your country, > Purchasing and licensing, select from, Phone, Online Chat (if it's available in your region), or log a case, again via your MyKasperskyaccount.
  4. The other place to check your order/license is https://www.findmyorder.com/ - you may have tried this already.
  5. Unfortunately, the Community portal cannot resolve licensing issues, that can only be done by Kaspersky Lab Technical Support.
Thank you. General articles: Purchasing and licensing documentation: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/buy
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