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My PC freezes every time I click on the KIS interface

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Hello, I do not speak English, I am using a translator, sorry for my mistakes when writing. I am using KIS version (b). My problem is that since a new version of KIS was auto installed several months ago my PC freezes every time I click on the KIS interface, the PC freezes in such a way that I can only recover it by holding down the button that it turns the pc on and off from the cabinet, until the pc turns off, then I turn it on again and I can use it normally, but if I touch the KIS interface again the pc freezes again and I have to repeat the procedure. Can anyone tell me how to solve the problem? Thank you.
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Hello @Raimgash,

Run GSI & Windows logs in normal mode. 

When you activate the GSI tool, make sure Windows Logs in ticked ✔ , then let the GSI process run, it may appear to run for a long time, do not worry, that’s normal, allow it to complete.

Thank you🙏


Disclaimer, we have no association with Kaspersky. 

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I have already used GetSystemInfo to generate a report but I am not very sure about publishing it in the forum because the forum is public and the information about my pc would be publicly exposed, I will try to contact Kaspersky technical service and I will send them the report that I have generated with your help, if the problem is resolved I will try to publish in this topic a brief explanation of the actions that have been taken to resolve it.Thank you for your help.
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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for my delay in responding.

The pc always stayed frozen when the "smooth sliding" between windows was activated, in the previous version of KIS this option could be deactivated so I did it and the problem was solved.The new version of KIS no longer presents the problem and I can use it normally.

Thanks for answering.

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