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my own Website added to blacklist

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i can't acces my own site without disabeling kaspersky and worst than that , all my friends and family who i recommended kaspersky to can't use it either lol .


it's Bechirakremi.com 

it's perfectly safe , just full of files . i'm guessing it was added to the list cause it didn't have Ssl at first ? no idea tho

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1 hour ago, thepurplemirror said:

i can't acces my own site without disabeling kaspersky and worst than that , all my friends and family who i recommended kaspersky to can't use it either lol .

Hello @thepurplemirror





There's a process to report these issues to Kaspersky's Virus Lab: What to do if a Kaspersky application blocks my website or application, however *every time* we provide the information to users, IF *you* wait long enough someone will do it for you, time will tell😼

Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
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