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March 2020 Windows Update - Firewall issue after update [MOVED]

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After the March 2020 update for Windows 10 there seems to be some sort of conflict with KTS firewall.



After the Windows 10 update was installed, I could no longer access the internet using non-microsoft browsers (firefox, chrome etc). The Edge browser continued to function and was not affected.

The firewall settings (within Kaspersky) were unchanged, and allowing network access to firefox and chrome as usual.

Temporary fix 1:

At first, I thought this was a Windows issue and used the following commands to reset my connection:

netsh winsock reset

netsh int ip reset

Initially, this workaround seemed to work but only for a week or so.

I then decided to check what would happen if I turned the firewall protection off (on a trusted site). Lo and behold, I could access the internet again. So, it was a firewall issue after all.

Current temporary solution:

This eventually led to the discovery of a new workaround.

If I click through, via the Kaspersky portal, to a linked Kaspersky information page, the browser opens and I can then access the internet as usual.

If I want to gain internet access using a different browser, I first have to change it to my default browser and then click through via the Kaspersky portal to open the browser.

New problem:

So while this workaround has fixed my internet access issue, I have encountered a new problem today.

I cannot update an application because it is also blocked by the firewall, despite all KTS firewall permissions set to allow.

Other info:

I think Kaspersky is probably aware of this issue, as opening a new instance of firefox (without using the workaround) opens a Kaspersky URL suggesting it is a “hotfix” for Windows. The “hotfix” URL doesn’t seem to work for me, but clicking through from the Kaspersky portal does.


Just thought I’d flag this issue to share my experience, and in the hope that there may be a more permanent fix for this problem in due course.


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