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MacBook Pro never ran well with KTS. Kaspersky not responding or very slow, have to force quitting the software or computer restart. Any hope?

Go to solution Solved by richbuff,

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MacBook Pro Retina, 3GHz Intel Core i7 double core - 16Go 1600 Mhz DDR3 - Big Sur 11.4.

I was running Kaspersky Total Security for a few years with occasionnal Kaspersky program freezing and Computer fan spinning continuously and fast after running Kasparsky. Since recently (upgrade to last Kasperskyversion and BIG Sur installed, using Kaspersky properly would be almost impossible : Kaspersky not responding or very slow, have to force quitting the software or computer restart. I manage to uninstalled it and my computer is running well AND quiet since then : I rarely ear the fan spinning. I was thrusting Kaspersky but if I can not find a solution I will have to find an alternative...Any hope, help, tips ?

Much Thanks


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