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Log in to My Kaspersky with Australian account, but US states are listed.

Go to solution Solved by Danila T.,

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When I try to log into My Kaspersky it brings up a dialogue box with States. Only lists US States and I have an Australian account, hence unable to log in. Is there a Global Kaspersky or Australia specific Kaspersky log in page?

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @Ranas


Yes there is an  Australia region, when an account is first created, the region  is selected. 

  1. Have you already created your MyKaspersky account? 
  2. Post a full screen image, including URL, of what you see  when you see “dialogue box with States”, we need to see what you see? 
  3. Are you logging in via KIS application or browser? 

Please post back?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @Ranas

Thank you for the images. 

  1. When you created the MyKaspersky account did you do so via the application or direct in a browser? 
  2. Post the URL link where you first downloaded KIS from?






Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


  • Solution



Fixed. Please check again.


P.S. You probably chose USA when you registered 🙂

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