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Licence blocked (you have exceeded the maximum number of activations) [Solved][Closed]

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Hello guys i have a problem with my licence, after i formatted my laptop (for the 3th time... it's a long story), i entred the activation code, but i got this "you have exceeded the maximum number of activations" (in french "Le nombre d'activations pour le code d'activation saisi a été dépassé"). I contacted the support team but since 29 september i got no answer.. ( INC000010830636 ) i'm on the trial version actually. can someone please help me ?
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Hello, Please check https://support.kaspersky.com/common/error/activation/13593 https://support.kaspersky.com/fr/common/error/activation/10993 Also please continue with K-Lab Tech Support FR https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/FR > Assistance comerciale > Support Technique > Chatter avec un technicien We can't help you on this Forum :-( K-Lab is your only option.
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