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laptop is turning on automatically without manual intervention.


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Installed and activated kaspersky total security software and on full scan of the system, no vulnerabilities found but system is controlling by some third party elements. the operations are performed are 
1) auto power on of the system (even it is shutdown for a while)
2) automatically down the zoom online classes
3) automatically disconnecting the connected wifi router.

Please suggest what would be the cause to have such actions.



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it is general windows 10 operating system. installed and activated the product with Microsoft already...somebody accessing my machine without my intervention and turning on and off the laptop and typing something in the notepad remotely…

Initially, when i connected with wifi, for any online classes, wifi is getting restarted and then i connected with mobile hotspot, then i observed the hotspot got corrupted, then i thought, there may be some malware which causing the issue. this problem was happening for last 6months with different routers and internet providers also.

Then i installed the Kaspersky Total security software for this device to find the issues, but there is no proper finding of any vulnerabilities. 

after the installation of security software, surprisingly, all the devices at home got hacked including ipad and samsung mobile phones..

All the devices at home are getting turned on its own and hacker able to type messages in wifi network names text boxes as well as in the mobile hotspots text areas.

Even i observed the feature phone also got hacked and able to receive text.

Please help me on this how to resolve these type of issues..



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