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la aplicación les vuelve a bloquear. Undesired safe kids blocking.


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Good morning to everybody. I have safety kids installed on two kids phone, and got some undesired phone blocking. I have set two ours of use everyday for each phone, and after this two hours block everything but phone calls.

They reach this blocking time usually during late hours everyday, and then switch off the phone once go to sleep.

Next day, after switching off phones for sleeping time, I found that safe kids is blocking again their phones once the phone is switched on again on next day. So kids are complaining to me because Safe kids is not working properly. 

Any idea about this misworking. 

Buenos dias a todos. Tengo instalado Safe kids en dos telefonos para niños, y se producen bloqueos indeseados. Cada dia pueden usar el teléfono durante dos horas, y pasado este tiempo se establece el bloqueo automático del telefono, excepto para llamar.

Normalmente llegan a este límite durante la úlitma parte del dia, y después apagan el teléfono para ir a dormir.

A la mañana siguiente cuando encienden el teléfono, la aplicación les vuelve a bloquear, aun con un uso muy pequeño del mismo, con lo cual siempre se quejan con razón.

Se supone que la aplicación debería tener en cuenta el periodo de tiempo de 24 horas teniendo en cuenta las 12 de la noche? no?

Alguna idea?

saludos y gracias


Thank you


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Hello @eivicuines


KSK, Device use, has Daily limit, hours per day or schedule Downtime, using a 24 hr clock

  1. Daily limit is the amount of time a parent wishes the child to use the computer or android.
  2. Downtime, is the time(s) the parent does not want the child to use the computer or android.
  3. Excludes Phone, which is allowed by default, never blocked, as it’s important that the child has access to make calls, in case of emergency.  
  4. It’s also possible to time limit applications. 

In our example we’ve set the Device use time to 2 hours & the Downtime from midnight to 9am & 20:00 to midnight, and in the 2nd image, we show how to add another downtime, for midday to 13:00




  • ❓ Please post an image of the 7 day Device Use Summary report please so we can look at the problem? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


Apologies, we’re sorry!

We did not see this topic was in the Forum para usuarios hispanohablantes, we only saw the topic was written in English first, it showed in the English queue. 

If you wish to delete our reply, please do so. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Apologies, we’re sorry!

We did not see this topic was in the Forum para usuarios hispanohablantes, we only saw the topic was written in English first, it showed in the English queue. 

If you wish to delete our reply, please do so. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


Not important. The person who opens the subject must also know how to read in English, as he writes in English. If he cannot read, an authorized person who knows the language will answer.

That's why I didn't delete it. I edited the given link with the Spanish support page.


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thanks for your quick response. I can understand and write more or less in English, so no trouble with that. 

About the kid’s phone I have set them to only a two hours (weekdays) and tree hours (weekends) restriction time. Downtime schedule is not set, so I understand that the app should take restrictions based on a 24hr clock, regardless of time that phone is switched off (usually during nighttime) . 

I have reset all time schedules and set them again to see if it is working ok.

See today’s screenshot attached. One of my kids phone was blocked by the app at 8.00 am when he switched on the phone and with no use.  


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Hello @eivicuines

You’re most welcome☺ !

Thank you for posting back, the information & image👌

  1. Do you have an image of what your son saw when “ blocked by the app at 8.00 am” happened please? 
  2. After (you) resetting everything, did one phone work correctly & the other not? 
  3. Do the children power the phones off at night? 
  4. Can you share with us the following information for each phone please:


  1. Phone type, manufacturer name & OS version → How to find the version of your operating system ? 
  2. KSK version, open KSK, scroll to the bottom of the screen, select About


  1. Phone type, manufacturer name & OS version → How to find the version of your operating system ? 
  2. KSK version, open KSK, scroll to the bottom of the screen, select About

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Ok I’ve taken a few days to try to understand why is this happening. 

Last week I’ve uninstalled safe kids app and installed again.

Then set blocking time to 2hours weekdays and 3 hours weekends and without schedule.

The question is, if the phone is switched off during night time, and switched on during next morning:

           If phone was already blocked, then continues blocked during morning time. 

            If was not blocked because of some allowed time remained, then, it gets blocked as soon of                this previous time allowed gets consumed.

If phone is not switched off during night time, then, the app works fine.

Phone is a Xiaomi Mi A2 lite running android 10 with latest Miui available.

My other kid’s phone is working fine now, even if it is switched off everynight. 

This problem is only happening from some time on, as I have been using this app on their phone from more than two years without any trouble. 

Thanks for your help.



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