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KTS scanning Trimble Tekla Tedds during each program operation??

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I use Trimble Tekla Tedds, an engineering software, to perform calculations. The software is server licenced, and the files I use are also stored on my server.

Each time I perform a function in the software, like starting a new calculation or doing a calculation, KTS kicks in and performs some sort of active scan? (the icon flashes in the corner), and the program lags for say 10 seconds, then KTS stops flashing and everyhing is fine, until i do another calculation, and so on (probably redoes a calcution perhaps once per minute or so). It is slowing me down and really irritating as I do not need KTS to scan the software each time to determine there is no threat… i already know there is no threat as my server is actively managed and firewalled.

Please advise how I can stop KTS from scanning this program every time it does a thing?



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