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KTS (b) blocking youtube history

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Basically, the issue is pretty simple.

After a few videos, youtube stops tracking watched videos, no new ones will be added into the history list, nor watched time would be tracked/recorded any longer. So you won’t get that red bar at the bottom of a video informing you, you already watched it.

Not sure about the likes, seems like they are sometimes recorded and sometimes aren’t.

It is 100% Kaspersky related issue, because simply disabling it completely makes the history work again.

Also using Firefox 88.0.1.

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KTS (b), after a few videos, youtube stops tracking watched videos, no new ones will be added into the history list, nor watched time would be tracked/recorded any longer. So you won’t get that red bar at the bottom of a video informing you, you already watched it. Not sure about the likes, seems like they are sometimes recorded and sometimes aren’t. It is 100% Kaspersky related issue, because simply disabling it completely makes the history work again. Also using Firefox 88.0.1.

Hello @SaLaDiN


  1. Has KTS blocking YouTube history issue always existed or is new? IF “new”, when did it start? 
  2. Are you signed into a Firefox account when using the Firefox browser? 
  3. Is the issue replicable if Chrome or Edge Chromium is used? 
  4. IF Firefox is run using Private Window browser, is YouTube history still not recorded? 
  5. IF Firefox is run as Default (see images),  is YouTube history still not recorded? 



Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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  • 2 weeks later...

KTS (b), after a few videos, youtube stops tracking watched videos, no new ones will be added into the history list, nor watched time would be tracked/recorded any longer. So you won’t get that red bar at the bottom of a video informing you, you already watched it. Not sure about the likes, seems like they are sometimes recorded and sometimes aren’t. It is 100% Kaspersky related issue, because simply disabling it completely makes the history work again. Also using Firefox 88.0.1.

Hello @SaLaDiN


  1. Has KTS blocking YouTube history issue always existed or is new? IF “new”, when did it start? 
  2. Are you signed into a Firefox account when using the Firefox browser? 
  3. Is the issue replicable if Chrome or Edge Chromium is used? 
  4. IF Firefox is run using Private Window browser, is YouTube history still not recorded? 
  5. IF Firefox is run as Default (see images),  is YouTube history still not recorded? 



Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


Hey, so I tested it a bit for 2 weeks and >>>


@1  The issue existed before the (b) version, I had discovered it before the latest update but wasn’t sure what it was causing. Then I got the (b) update and still was looking for the cause, eventually I ruled out everything and simply just turned off the Kaspersky and the issue was gone.

@2 Yes, I am signed in into my Firefox account.

@3 I tested Chrome for a week and then Edge Chromium for for a week and couldn’t replicate the issue, youtube history worked.

@4 When using the private windows browser, it happened again but it took longer for the issue to appear, had to watch way more videos.

@5  Yup, even with the default profile, the history was not recorded. It just took a bit longer to happen.

Usually it happens after 3 -5 videos, but sometimes it is inconsistent and the history is tracked for 2 or 3 hours without an issue, but that happens very occasionaly. Seems like ifI don’t switch firefox tabs and stay on a youtube page airing the video, it takes significantly longer to trigger the issue.



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