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KTS 10 licenses, only 3 licenses for KPM?


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I have bought KTS 10 licenses. 


For my own my.kaspersky.com-account I have installed and activated KPM premium. The same for my 2 oldest sons’. 

For my girlfriend’s account, KTS is activated, but I cannot make KPM accept premium. Neither for her children’s accounts.

Is the number of KPM licenses limited when I buy KTS 10 licenses?

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I have bought KTS 10 licenses. 

  1. Is the number of KPM licenses limited when I buy KTS 10 licenses?

Hello @l3kris,


  1. Yes.

The license information will state the user account number, for example:

10 devices for 1 year for 1 user → 1 user account = 1 MyKaspersky account & 1 KPM vault

10 devices for 1 year for 2 users → 2 user account = 2 MyKaspersky accounts & KPM vaults

10 devices for 1 year for 3 users → 3 user account = 3 MyKaspersky accounts & KPM vaults



The license is provided for a certain number devices. For example, if your activation code covers five devices, you will not be able to use the license on six or more computers at the same time.

  • Kaspersky Security Cloud Family is the software that has licenses for 3 or more users.

Thank you🙏


Additional resource:

How to activate a Kaspersky application on multiple devices

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Thank you - that explains it :)

Hello @l3kris

You’re most welcome☺ !

FYI, we read topic Future of KTS, raised by @nabeel, that @harlan4096 replied to, from what we can gather, at some stage in the future → date unknown, KTS will become Kaspersky Security Cloud, if that happens, the Family license, providing for family & or friends, will sort the problem you currently have. 

Personally, we hope KTS stays for a very long time, we don’t like Kaspersky Security Cloud, (ioo) it’s not worth the $$$, and limiting Kaspersky Safe Kids to their Family subscription is (ioo) truly bad; lots of single people have kids → when paying full freight, the Kaspersky subscriber should not be disadvantaged. 

Thank you🙏


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