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KSOS6 sharing updates with other computers in LAN

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Is it possible to share updates with other computers over LAN with KSOS6? I can't find such option in Settings. I was trying setting up Update Utility but every time we point KSOS6 to use shared folder with updates downloaded by KUU we get an error: "The update source does not contain the files required for updating databases" In KUU we have set up Applications: Kaspersky Small Office Security Persional Computer I'm puzzled...
Hi, ChObs ,
Is it possible to share updates with other computers over LAN with KSOS6?
There is no such possibility now, you need to use Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0
I was trying setting up Update Utility but every time we point KSOS6 to use shared folder with updates downloaded by KUU we get an error: "The update source does not contain the files required for updating databases"
The problem is known and discussed in the old forum, there is also a solution. (only in russian).
Thanx for your answers. Contacted Tech Support. As I see (in russian topic) the problem is discussed but not resolved. For us sharing updates is a must due to remote location of the office premises and limited internet connectivity.
  • Solution
ChObs workaround: Raise a local FTP resource and specify it as an update source or allow NTMLv1 to be used.
I did... it starts updating, loading some files (showing progress and some data) but then suddenly Fails with Authentication error. I'm using local anonymous access - also tried using path to updates like ftp://anonymous@...
I run this ftp server on Qnap NAS allowing all guest access. When I access this FTP from any computer in LAN with FileZilla, I can copy all files as anonymous without any problems...
Example log with error. Not sure what exactly is happening there. Why it hangs after kav19-1313g.xml.klz and then trying connecting again and resolving IP with DNS...

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