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klflt.sys failed windows 10 stopcode MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS

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Thank you Berny,

I think it was because I downloaded some mining virus earlier when Kaspersky and the other anti-virus software (360) closed. So maybe the virus went in and changed Kaspersky’s booting files. I have downloaded a new anti-virus software (Huorong) to kill the mining virus. But after the virus killed, Kaspersky still cannot boot normally and causing the BSOD everytime I try to shut down my PC. Maybe the file in Kav was damaged permenately. I’m sending a ticket to the tech support  now, while I will install Kaspersky again to see if there will be no more BSOD problems.

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If you use AMD cup, Please disable this setting in KL product. klflt.sys have a compatibility issue in AMD virtualization support. As a temporary solution, you need to temporarily turn off this option.



Thank you Zhang, my CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H … 

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If you use AMD cup, Please disable this setting in KL product. klflt.sys have a compatibility issue in AMD virtualization support. As a temporary solution, you need to temporarily turn off this option.



Thank you Zhang, my CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H … 


If you worried about virus infection leftover. Please create a microsoft autoruns log and upload to here.

File → Save...→ zip the log→ attach to here.


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