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klbackupdisk.sys and windows boot (severe problems) [two antivirus were removed during the instalation of KTS.]


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I've install total security (30 free days) version. After being instaled, I restarted  the pc. Windows boot doesn't work since then. 

Error: 0xc000007

Fail:.    \WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\klbackupdisk.sys


  I've tries all the ways to try Windows boot and nothing works. I need to enter on my PC um order to do a backup of all my files (almost 1TB) before reset my pc. 

What can I do? 


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I can’t fix Windows 10 automatic repair loop. I’ve tried all the options:

  • Reset this pc: this is the way I have to keep my personal files and then install the windows. I can do this because I don’t have enough space on my disk.
  • Advanced options (all of them)


1. Use a restore point recorded on pc: I don’t have one.


2.  Troubleshoot > Advanced Options >Startup Settings. I have a list of 8 options. I’ve tried every single one, included “disable early anti-malware protection” or “save mode”. Nothing worked.


3. Uninstall updates: any results.

4. Run command Prompt: I looked for the file klbackupdisk.sys and I‘ve renamed it:

ren klbackupdisk.sys klbackupdisk1.sys


Should I delete this file (the new one I’ve renamed)?


5. Restore Windows registry: I’ve run Command Prompt and then I’ve entered the following: copy c:\windows\system32\config\RegBack\* c:\windows\system32\config

It was impossible to find the file.


Thank you very much for your help.

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Hello @Bghit

You’re most welcome!

Thank you for the information👌

  • Regarding “Reset this pc: this is the way I have to keep my personal files and then install the windows. I can do this because I don’t have enough space on my disk.”

Is it “I can do this” or “I cannot do this” ? 

  • Clearly the most important thing atm, is to save the data.

Can the following be done, you’ll need to use another device to create a bootable disk with backup software:

  • Device that cannot boot into Windows
  1. Enter BIOS.
  2. Change the boot sequence, start the computer and run backup software from a bootable disk.
  3. On the main window, click "File Backup" option and choose the files or data you want to back up.

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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I’ve meant: “I cannot do this…” Really sorry for that.

Sorry again because I couldn’t understand what you’ve propose.

I have one option that is: “Definitions of UEFI firmware” where I can access to BIOS.  But then I don’t know how to “change the boot sequence”.

1. First of all, with “device that cannot boot into Windows” I think you mean an external disk where I will store my files? Or a CD  that arrived with pc? I don’t have any kind of CD or usb… If you meant  an external disc, should it be empty? Or can I have some files on it?

2. With “boot sequence” you mean “UEFI Boot Order”?

  1. Should I delete this file “klbackupdisk1.sys” that I’ve renamed? Or do I need this file for something?

   Thank you!

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Hello @Bghit

Thank you for replying and clarifying the wording, no apology necessary, it just was a little confusing.

Don’t do anything with the renamed file. 

  1. Do you have another device to create a bootable disk with backup software? 
  2. Post an image of the Boot screen please? 
  3. EDIT: additional, before installing KTS was a check run to see if there were any applications installed on the computer incompatible with KTS

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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I had two antivirus (free version installed). But they were removed during the process od instalation of KTS. At least this was the information showed on the screen. This is true that the remotion of one of then (I can’t remember each one) lasted a lot. But I’m almost sure  were removed.

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Hello @Bghit

Thank you for the image👌

  • Regarding other resources, you need USB flash drive with backup software & a bootable CD, USB, or DVD with an ISO, for Windows. 
  1. Is (your) Windows licensed?
  2. Can you define exactly each step you are taking to get to the Setup utility screen? 
  3. Can the Legacy Boot Order options be accessed? 
  4. Is Hibernation enabled? 
  5. Is Fast Boot enabled?

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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The windows is legitimy. It come with my laptoop.

I have almost buy KTS. But I decided to try it during 30 days before buy it. And immediatlly I’ve face problems. This is a nightmare!


I don’t I have a “USB flash drive with backup software & a bootable CD, USB, or DVD with an ISO, for Windows” because this is inside the laptoop. I have another  option to “Reset this pc”: but this I cannot keep my personal files and then install the windows.

        Resuming: I have to options:

          1.one isto keep my personal files before format / reinstall windows. As I told you, I don’t have space.

  1. The second one is NOT KEEP my personal files. So I think that is one is the option that you mention of bootable disc with backup software. But I don’t’ have a physical CD or USB with this.  This is inside my laptop.
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As I understand you have renamaed the driver klbackupdisk.sys. Keep it renamed.

Next try to use KRD (https://support.kaspersky.com/14236) and locate the branch:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}

There will Upperfilters paremeter . Remove from this parameter only klbackupdisk value. 

Then try to boot the OS in Normal mode again .

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