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KIS got postponed [Closed]

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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Hi all.

Turning on my pc, KIS couldn’t start: when clicking on its icon nothing happened,  while checking on windows security, it said that KIS was “postponed”. It happened just once and after rebooting the pc,everything seemed (and still seems) to be just fine but I’m still worried.

The scans show no threats so it’s probably some paranoia from my part but could there be a virus or a bug that makes it seem like my protection’s on while it actually isn’t?

My OS: Windows 10 Home 1909

KIS version: (e)

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Hello  @Andy2c,


Occasionally, Windows can present incorrect information.

To allay all of your concerns, please do the following:

  1. Check all Windows Updates have an applied status of “successful”
  2. Check system date and time and ensure it is synchronised. 
  3. Run a KIS manual Database update, allow it to complete. 
  4. Shutdown PC, using full Shutdown, not Restart.
  5. When PC is OFF, power on, login.
  6. Make sure KIS is active.
  7. Run (another) Full scan, allow it to complete.


Note, patch(f) is being distributed, you may not get any notification the patch is waiting, a shutdown & restart of the PC will apply the patch. 

If there’s any problems, please let us know?

Thank you

KIS, Patches A – F for version

Vulnerability Report: List of Advisories, issued on 25th November, 2019

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Everything seems to be fine (synched and checked as correctly working). It’s just that one time in which KIS couldn’t even start - clicking on KIS’ icon did nothing at all - that got me quite scared. But if that could have been just a temporary conflict (as a simple reboot did the trick) with windows, well, I can stop freaking out (XD).

Thank you very much for the quick answer!

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