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KIS = Black Websites [Closed]

Go to solution Solved by kmscom,

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For example: htt_ps:_//optinmonster._com/9-lead-magnets-to-increase-subscribers/ Disabling KIS the site displays
Flood and Flood's wife
Hello Lemarque, Welcome. (For my understanding please) when you enter the url you're presented with a black screen or? Please provide details of: Operating system, version, release? Browser/s, version/s? Any more urls, presenting the same issue? Screen image of the issue? Please let us know? Thanks!
Win10 up to date Chrome up to date Here's what I just found, I did a search on Google: ttps://www.google._com/search?q=Lead+Magnet&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS809US809&oq=Lead+Magnet&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8] Clicked on the link and got the black screen. Clicking the link from my post and the site loads fine! (?) BTW - I don't care much for the new Forum. It's very slow and times out.
Pause KIS and try it again - it will load just fine
Flood and Flood's wife
(PNG Image, 1 × 1 pixels)
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