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KIS 2020 remains with the bug main.js ns.GetCommandSrc does not function? [Closed]

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There are statistics, how many people updated to the version of Kaspersky Internet Security that was in September 2019? (according to these data https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-js/issues/3985


I ask, since there is still a problem in February 2020: https://enota.club/threads/bag-v-skripte-kasperskogo-main-js-kotoryj-lomaet-sajty-kis-ns-getcommandsrc.1547/


 ns.GetCommandSrc is not a function


The scale of the bug is interesting, how quickly did you fix it and how many people installed it?

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Hello @Romanof,


  • I’m not sure if you’ve raised the Topic as a generic discussion or if you’re reporting an issue. 
  • If it’s the latter, please raise a request via Kaspersky Technical Support; the support team will need a GSI & Windows Logs and they may request Traces, run as the issue is replicated; if Traces are required they will step you thru the necessary steps. After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, nomally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.
  • Regarding “how quickly did you fix it ? ”, this is a question you may wish to add to your incident request. 
  • Regarding “how many people installed it ? “, due to Kaspersky’s strong committment to their global Privacy Policies, I very much doubt this question will be answered, however, you may wish to add this question to your incident request as well.

Please let us know the outcome when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


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we’re providing some apps on the internet.  

We’re facing exactly the same issue and are having many calls from our citizens.


Could you please fix this issue asap, otherwise our support team will give the piece of advice to installl another solution.


Don’t hesitate to ping me if you need more informations regarding this bug (web site - library used and so on).


Best regards



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Hello @stefaz, Steve, 


The Kaspersky Community portal cannot fix the issue. 

For Kaspersky Technical Support to assist they will need data, collected fom one or more impacted users. 

If you’re able to raise a request on behalf of your clients, please do so, or please ask them to raise the request, via Kaspersky Technical Support; the support team will need GSI & Windows Logs and they may request Traces, run as the issue is replicated; if Traces are required they will step you or your clients, thru the necessary steps. 

After submitting the case, you or your clients will receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, nomally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you or your clients, also by email, you or your clients may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in the MyKaspersky account.

Please let us know the outcome when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


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  • Solution

@Romanof@stefaz, hello!


Please clarify what is the currently installed patch for the product on the PCs with the issue (main KIS window - Support icon - Applciation version - must be

According to our information the issue must be fixed in the patch H for KIS 2020 and in the patch L for KIS 2019.

Patch H is fully released, so please update bases again, reboot and retest the issue.

Please inform me about the results.


If the issue persists:

please create a request to Technical Support via MyK account: https://my.kaspersky.com/techsupport#/requests/new


Thank you!

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