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Egor Erastov

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When you install Kaspersky Security for Mobile on Android from Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud using the link sent via Send instructions, an error "Installation package not found" may appear. This happens when the Operating System installed on the device is not recognized.


  1. Remove KESM from the affected device.
  2. Open KES Cloud & browse to Users.
  3. Find the User with the device that cannot synchronize with KES Cloud.
  4. Send instructions to this User.
  5. User will get an email with new link.
  6. Download KESM via link from KES Cloud invitation email. If the installation fails install it from an application store (Galaxy Store, Huawei AppGallery, RuStore, or Xiaomi GetApps) or from Kaspersky website https://www.kaspersky.com/small-to-medium-business-security/downloads/endpoint
  7. When KESM will request server address, open the KES Cloud email then copy the whole link from the email and paste it to the Server field. 


    Input KES Cloud address from the email when KESM will request a server address for the first time

    The copied link must look like: https://sXXX.cloud.kaspersky.com:8080/getPackage?vServerName=d8axxxxxxx0d7d2&packageID=CxxxczMzOC5jbG91ZC5rXXXXXXYUYYYYYYYYYFpbD1ZbTkxY21kdmRTNTZhV1ZrUUxxxxxU52YlE
  8. Provide all necessary permissions.
  9. Try to synchronize the device with KES Cloud.


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