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Antipova Anna

Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials.

How to add second license to the workspace

There is no possible way to add second license to KES Cloud. License will be replaced. Kindly merge the license count to one and add it.

Email notification about outdated databases

There is no separate email notification settings for "database outdated" event. 

License receiving after installation

  • After installation of KES, device can receive a license even without an owner.
  • License applying can take some time due to the attempt of synchronization with KES Cloud server. Standard sync period is 15 mins.

KES Cloud email notifications in cumulative emails

When you have a lot of notifications, they will be sent as cumulative email. This is by design and expected behavior. These emails contains information about count of emails with different levels of severity.

KES Cloud workspace deletion after license expiration

If license expires, workspace without active license will be deleted.

  • If commercial license was used - after 90 days.
  • If trial license was used - after 30 days.

Reports' time zone differences

Time of report creation depends on browser localization. Events in report opened in Cloud console also depend on browser localization.
Events in report exported in .pdf - UTC +0.

  • The title was changed to KES Cloud FAQ [KES Cloud]

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