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Kaspersky spams me with "agafurretor" reports in Chrome.

Go to solution Solved by Berny,

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Hello Team,


I’m getting spammed by KPS whenever I open Chrome and it says it denied some downloads at this point I’ll be happy if anything malicious occurredto my PC instead of this spamming, can anyone help me?

I’ve attached the screenshots and reports.




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At this point I’ll be happy if anything malicious occurred to my PC instead of this spamming.

Hello @Irfansucks


If you have a problem with Kaspersky trying to keep you safe why do you bother using AV software? 

Follow all steps @richbuff has documented in Kaspersky notification of detection, file or website detected.

As Admin, run the analysis of AdwCleaner & attach the TXT-Log in your reply - NOTE: do not run the fix of any detections in the report




Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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