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Kaspersky showing pop-ups adverts instead of blocking them [merged cross posting]


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Last month I start to receive pop-ups with adverts from Kaspersky (images).

Instead of blocking the pop-ups and adverts, the company are giving me their own.

By clicking on the adverts, opens a website from Kaspersky Clubeben (images).

I opened a case at Kaspersky Tech Support, the number is INC000011275270, but still haven’t an answer.

The version and patch is: Kaspersky Total Secuity

How can I stop these annoying adverts?

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Hello @vodrummond,

Thank you for posting the images for this ongoing issue👏

Has Kaspersky Technical Support responded yet?

  • Please let me know?

Thank you🙏



@Igor Kurzin, please note the recurringKaspersky  pop-ups / adverts on Kaspersky Subscription  products” issue. 

Despite implementing all of Kaspersky’s recommended procedures, Kaspersky Subscribers cannot get rid of Kaspersky’s own unwelcome adware. 

 Thank you🙏


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Thanks for answering.

The Kaspersky Technical Support even responded, but just to say that they are analyzing the problem.

And they also said the same thing that @richbuff said abou the “notifications settings”, but since the last time that I had this problem (2 month ago), my settings already are disabled for notifications like that.

If I receive other feedback from them, I’ll post here.


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Hello @vodrummond,

Thank you for the update👏

You’re not the only Kaspersky subscribing Customer who’s been impacted by Kaspersky’s unwelcome spam advertising that cannot be resolved using Kaspersky’s recommended procedures, so do keep us updated with the resolution the technical team provide when it’s available please? 

Thank you🙏



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They responded today. Look what they said:

Hello ,

Good Morning!

I checked what the advertisement was about, as we didn't have the information about it, I checked with the Russian team.

The banner is a Beta project by Kaspersky for an advantage club that customers have gained with discounts from various companies in the technology industry, such as discounts on notebooks, desktops, cell phones, computer hardware and etc ...

If you are interested, the access link is in my subscription.

And about the settings, these are the same, as the benefits club is something globalized, it is being disseminated to customers, so these advertisements will be normal for at least 2 weeks, they will be removed automatically.

Any questions, please reply to this email or if you prefer, contact us through our telephone support: (11) 3958-3843 or even through our Chat https://support.kaspersky.com.br/b2c# region1
We operate from Mon to Fri from 9am to 9pm.

Also access the Kaspersky Benefits Club: https://kaspersky.clubeben.com.br/

Registration is free and you can enjoy various discounts.

Are you having problems with the steps we provide you with? We want to help you! Please contact us immediately using one of our support options available from Monday to Friday: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c and please provide the protocol so that we can help you better.

So… They just told me the obvious… That it was an advertise (“you don’t say”?!?!), and don’t give me any kind of solution.

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here’s my answer to them:

Let me see if I understood (and that understanding will have a direct effect on my decision to renew my subscription with Kaspersky):

A company that offers a program that promises, among other features, to stop third-party SPAM, but when it comes to Kaspersky's own SPAM, "everything is fine"…? You deliberately shove the advertise down on your customers' throats, without them having requested it, even when the program settings said to not receive it? Is that right?

In my humble opinion, I see no difference between a "beta project" from Kaspersky that offers "benefits and discounts" and a "beta project" from a porn site that offers "benefits and discounts".

If I chose Kaspersky amongst various other antivirus companies, it is because I don’t want to receive SPAM / banner / advertising from any company, INCLUDING Kaspersky itself.

Maybe they will ignore me and don’t answer the e-mail, but at least I tried...😂

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  • 2 months later...

I had used Norton for many years but switched to Kaspersky due to the number of Norton ads that kept appearing.


Now I’m finding the same from Kaspersky

Several times a week I get a pop-up from Kaspersky tempting me to ‘Get The Most Out of Public Wi-Fi’ and purchase a subscription.

Firstly it’s irrelevant as when I go out I never take my tower PC and 24” screen out with me.

Secondly I don’t want adverts appearing on my PC from anyone.

Any suggestions as to how I can stop these Kaspersky pop-ups please?





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Thank you.

All but ‘Notify about events’ were unchecked.

I have unchecked ‘Notify about events’ and will see what happens over the next few days and I’ll report back.


Thanks for your help.



We are waitting for your report back. If this issue has gone, we hope you could mark “Best answer” to the person who provide solution could solve your problem. The topic will be closed and set ‘solved’ by our moderator after there are no any posts from you or other guys in the next 7 days.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Updated to Kaspersky Total Security 2021 - version and have started seeing banners, adverts and advertising videos on Youtube. In my previous version all these were blocked after selecting Anti-Banner in security controls. Anti-banner is still selected in the new version.

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Kaspersky Total Security 2021 - version and have started seeing banners, adverts and advertising videos on Youtube. Anti-banner is still selected in the new version.

Hello @ParkpreBoi


  1. Are the “banners, adverts and advertising videos in Youtube”, happening in every supported browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge Chromium
  2. Which patch(x) x = letter is installed for v21.2.16.590:  on the Windows Taskbar, right click the Kaspersky icon, select About ?

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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  • 4 months later...

Same here. About every two weeks I get this annoying advertising message. I uncheck “Notify ...” … and get the advertising again two weeks later. That’s absolutely annoying.

Same here. No chance to get rid of the Kaspersky advertising spam. That’s absolutely annoying.

Hello @Ganymeg


Please share with us:

  1. Operating system version & build → in Windows search field, type winver, a small popup will show the information?
  2. Kaspersky version & patch(x), x = letter; on the Windows Taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About
  3. When KTS was installed, what options did you decline during the install
  4. Some regions appear to have advertising “campaigns”, that (according to Kaspersky), fall outside the advertising criteria the application is configured (by users) to ignore; we don’t actually understand or accept that explanation, however, just in case the issue is region related, may we know your location please? 
  5. Post a full screen image of the advertising spam please? 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello Flood

  1. Win 7 Prof build 7601
  2. Kaspersky (b)
  3. can’t remember the options, has been 6 years ago
  4. location: Switzerland
  5. don’t have an actual screenshot of the advertising spam, sorry

Any way, I don’t like advertising from software that I paid for.

Btw: the advertising messages appear on both of our machines, desktop and laptop.

Best regards


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  1. don’t have an actual screenshot of the advertising spam, sorry. I don’t like advertising from software that I paid for. Btw: the advertising messages appear on both of our machines, desktop and laptop.

Hello @Ganymeg

Thank you for posting back!

No-one likes advertising in premium, paid for software; however, we really need to see images, there’s different “advertising”, some of it Kaspersky appears not to define as advertising; the only way for us to sort this is to see examples of what you see; if it’s appearing on both of your devices it should not be too difficult to get screen prints when it appears, please post when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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