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Kaspersky Secure Connection, I can’t get any website to display properly after Windows Update 1909

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Have just installed this update. Following this I cannot get Kaspersky Secure Connection to work properly - once ‘switched on’ I can’t get any website to display properly, even BBC or Sky news. The error message is that my PC is not connected to the internet. If I ‘switch off’ Secure Connection the problem goes away but I obviously lose the security for bank accounts etc.

Any help would be welcomed.


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I had the same problem.  Great “feature” update, eh?

I’m running Win10Pro and paid Kas Secure Connection as well.  They’re going to have to come up with an update for 1909.

I also noticed 1909 came up with a “Not from Monopolysoft Store” message or some such thing when I tried reinstalling Secure Connection.

Arrogant dorks.




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Windows 10 professional. Licensed (paid for) Secure Connection.

Hello @Roy49

Note: 1909 is fully supported since version, patch e, October 23, 2019

Welcome & my sincere apologies no-one has picked up your Topic before now, if the issue remains for you, please post back with the following information:

  1. Kaspersky Secure Connection version & patch(x)
  2. Any other Kaspersky software? If “yes”, full name, version & patch(x)?
  3. If the different remote virtual location is selected, does the same problem exist?
  4. When the error message “PC is not connected to the internet" displays, is that error msg in a browser, in Windows Notification centre or somewhere else? 
  5. Have network diagnostics been run when the “PC is not connected to the internet" error displays?
  6. Have you done a network reset? 
  7. Have you uninstalled & reinstalled Kaspersky Secure Connection? 

Please let me know? 

Thank you🙏


Why is it impossible to open a website with Kaspersky Secure Connection enabled?

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Hi, I had the same problem.  Great “feature” update, eh? I’m running Win10Pro and paid Kas Secure Connection as well.  They’re going to have to come up with an update for 1909.

I also noticed 1909 came up with a “Not from Monopolysoft Store” message or some such thing when I tried reinstalling Secure Connection., regards R

1909 is fully supported since version, patch e, October 23 2019

From what I can "glean" from the problem information you've provided, the issue for you "seems" to be different.

  • Have you actually been able to install Kaspersky Secure Connection or is "Not from Monopolysoft Store” issue still happening?
  • Where are you installing Kaspersky Secure Connection exe from, please post URL?

If you've actually installed Kaspersky Secure Connection & it's not working, please provide the following:

  1. Kaspersky Secure Connection version & patch(x)?
  2. Any other Kaspersky software? If “yes”, full name, version & patch(x)?
  3. If a different remote virtual location is selected, does the same problem exist?
  4. Are there any error messages when you're unable to connect to any www? If "yes" please post the actual errors messages?
  5. Have network diagnostics been run when the errors display?
  6. Have you done a network reset?
  7. Have you uninstalled & reinstalled Kaspersky Secure Connection?

Please let me know?
Thank you🙏

Why is it impossible to open a website with Kaspersky Secure Connection enabled?

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Reinstalled as administrator, restarted.  No access.  Exited the program, restarted pc and it accessed my license and now works.

It took me this long to get the 1909 “feature update” and I don’t like the monoplolysoft version of google app BS but what can you do - can’t deny the (&$&#^Y%  “update”.


Thanx for your help




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