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Kaspersky Protection extension, Mozilla Firefox, where is addon.xpi file ?

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Flood, you provided screenshots and a link to 12782 article. My post is related to the 12782 article. And what was your initial question? 

My guess is that you asked why there is an instruction to install from the file, whereas the product version is 21.2. If you look at 12782 article attentively, you will see that the part with installation from the file is not related to version 21.2. 



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Hello Igor, 

Thank you for replying👌

We didn’t need to find out which version was/is installed, we posted that information at the start of the topic. 

We see “Use this guide if you are using a Kaspersky application version 20 or later. “


  • For absolute clarity, are you saying, for v21. there is no addon.xpi file ?


Also, we did find the .xpi file → kaspersky_protection_2021-

Please advise? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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We didn’t need to find out which version was/is installed, we posted that information at the start of the topic. 

I wanted to let you know that the information about the version is included in the article and it clearly states that the guide for the installation from a file addon.xpi is applicable to versions 20 and <. 

You highlighted the phrase “version 20 or later”. I can make a wild guess, that you are trying to let us know that the translation is not absolutely correct. If my guess is correct, please let us know the better variant, so that we fix the article. 

Thank you and we appreciate your help. 


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Hello @Igor Kurzin

Thank you for replying👌

Absolutely no “veiled” attempts on our part, to pass any commentary on “translation wording”, where we come from we talk straight. 

To conclude this (correct us if we’re wrong please): 

  1. addon.xpi file applies to v 20. or earlier ? 
  2. There is no addon.xpi file for v21. > ? 
  3. kaspersky_protection_2021- will not work using the method  proposed for v20 or earlier? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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we talk straight. 


To answer your questions. 

  1. The instruction for manual installation of addon.xpi applies to v 20 or earlier. 
  2. and 3. The file you are referring to can be downloaded (and has been downloaded, I guess) via https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/3694578/kaspersky_protection_2021-
    I bet you have already tested manual installation of this .xpi and know the answer. So then why ask the qustion, that you already know the answer for? ;)  If you did not test yet, you are welcome to give it a go. 



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Hello @Igor Kurzin

Thank you for replying👌

  • No, we had not tested “it”, because “it” did not fit the documented procedure → you would’ve lost the bet. 
  • We actually found the kaspersky_protection_2021- file “accidently”, not where one would expect. 
  • We ask questions because some things don’t make sense. 
  • We have no malicious intent. 
  • We have, right this minute, tested adding the extension, via kaspersky_protection_2021-, it works! 
  • On that basis, will the documentation be updated to include v21. add on from file solution or did we just do a fun experiment that has no value in the real world? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Flood, believe me, there is no intent to accuse you of anything, I am just trying to convey that it saves tons of time, if we go straight to the point, instead of asking “prompting questions”. 

On that basis, will the documentation be updated to include v21. add on from file solution or did we just do a fun experiment that has no value in the real world? 

The addon is available in the addons store at https://addons.mozilla.org, and can be installed directly from the store. No need to first download it and then open it as a local file. 

Thank you.

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Hello @Igor Kurzin

Thank you for replying👌

  • I bet you have already tested manual installation of this .xpi and know the answer.”


  • So then why ask the question, that you already know the answer for? ;)

We did not know the answer & we had already answered this in an earlier reply, you may pay no heed to what we say, that’s your call. 

  • If you did not test yet, you are welcome to give it a go.”

We did, as we advised in our last reply, we can see from your response it was a futile endeavour. 

We respectfully request you please not “personalise” your assumptions about our motives.

We have no agenda. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hi Flood, 

I cleaned this topic, as the discussion went off the constructive path.

The answer to your question is: the instruction for installation of .xpi from a file refers to the product version 20 and older. 

With version 21 you can install the addon via https://addons.mozilla.org.

If you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me via pm. 

Thank you for your cooperation and positive attitude. 



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