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Kaspersky is injecting into Wallpaper Engine and making it crash.


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I want kaspersky to stop all interactions with Wallpaper engine(wallpaper32.exe), because it is making it crash. I added the exe file and even whole folder into exclusion, but still Kaspersky Lab is interacting with wallpaper engine. 

here are scan of wallpaper engine: https://pastebin.com/tHy6S68N


if you look in line 31: \\?\GlobalRoot\Device\HarddiskVolume5\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Kaspersky Lab\klhk\klhk_x64\klhkum.dll. 

this dll is causing issue. Is there any way to complete stop Kaspersky from interacting with wallpaper engine.


Thanks in advance :D

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