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Kaspersky Internet Security & Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT)


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Like others on this forum, I too find that frequently MSRT fails to install / update during the monthly Windows 10 Updates routine. The updated version of MSRT is offered but the install returns a (meaningless) error code.

I find that if I retry (several times) sometimes, a successful install is achieved. I’ve even had to resort to downloading the software manually from Microsoft’s and installing.

As I’m using KIS does this give me any / sufficient protection from Malicious Software?

Is KIS + MSRT a bad combination to the point that KIS can actually disable the install of MSRT?

Does KIS + MSRT give False Positives?

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Hello @wgcuser,

Welcome back!

Regarding  “Like others on this forum, I too find that frequently MSRT fails to install / update during the monthly Windows 10 Updates routine.”, please provide me with the Topics URLs you’re referring to?

Please tell us:

  1. Operating system name & version?
  2. KIS version & patch(x)? x = letter
  3. Does KIS report the MSRT error or does MS Windows? 
  4. Open KIS, select More Tools, select Reports, select Detailed Reports, leave ALL EVENTS as default, select 24hrs or 7days, (whichever period covers the timeframe the problem happened), select Export, export the Report, save as a .txt file, attach to your reply please?
  5. Have the issue been raised with Kaspersky Technical Support?

Thank you🙏



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