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Kaspersky Internet Security (C) observations regarding the interface layout;

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There are a few observations about the changed were made to Kaspersky Internet Security 21.2 that on KIS 19.0 were in fact useful and adjusted to a majority of users including some that are currently and still operate on resolution set below 1080p.


So I’m going list some of the change I would like to have explanation about why these changes were made.


The report window is too extensive and use a lot of space between security components that when I scroll down to bottom and find verification section. Is very much complicate to click on it since does not show on screen even when I maximize to full window. This has to be changed.

Second observation is related to verification procedure that no longer show any file name during the verification while is being executed. This new look that will only show the amounts of files being counted does not give any  transparency to users.


Third observation is to KIS icon no longer being animated when there are verification running. Why has this been changed or why cannot be similar when there are updates being downloaded?


Fourth observation is that whole interface and layout design have been extended wide open that make users that still run on 720p monitor screens quite upset about making us to scroll all the way up and down to find a section in the service. When on KIS 19.0 the interface was very much compact and easy to manage.


Fith observation to insert legends about the new icons in the KIS 21.2 interface like those found on verification section next to gear and a pape document. Or like those three found on report window that may be read as Recommendation notification / low alert / high alert ( blue/yellow/red ) on importance column.

My last observation is why do we have keep Kaspersky Native Messaging Server process running when using internet browsers if in my experience I’m not using Kaspersky password manager. Is there someway to turn it off?  This particularly observation is to adress as a complaint since when I’m surfing on the web Kaspersky Native Messaging Server is keeping conhost.exe and cmd.exe process on and I’m afraid of making me vulnerable to any loop

hole since I’m still using Windows 7 Professional.


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Hello @Psiu47

Welcome back!

Some of the issues you’ve listed have been previously identified. 

KIS (version is currently being rolled out, in staggered distribution, across the globe,

KIS, what’s new?

  1. Do a clean install, uninstall 21.2, save License information only, download 21.3, install, configure & recheck? 
  2. For any persistent issues, post full screen images & or video of each issue please? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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And what about the process from Kaspersky Native Messaging Server when surfing on the web? Will that be adressed to future version because I’m worried since I’m not using have installed Kaspersky password manager and yet plugins_nms.exe automatically run when I open Google chrome and force to stay running cmd.exe and conhost.exe.

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Well I’m not sure since I’ve been refusing to use Kaspersky password manager since Kaspersky Internet Security 20.0 and since the recommendation about making me to have installed that service on my PC still display on the front page on antivirus program.

I can’t remember now about any option when I received the update on March 8th. The only thing I remember was to request my permission to restart so the new version could be fully patched and installed. That is all.

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