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Kaspersky fails with new 0 day threat game link from steam itself!

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Now, sure, this game was not downloadable on steam direct, but the demo lead you to an external site to download with a nasty malware.

What I was fascinated by was that ONLY Avast and therefore AVG blocked this threat. The reason I say I am fascinated is that they are two products I truly hate.

I am in shock that Malwarebytes, Bitdefender and Kaspersky all failed detecting it.

Well, I am not so much in shock with Malwarebytes, because last time PC Security Channel did a 0 day ransomware encryption test, Malwarebytes happily let the malware encrypt the entire drive. Bitdefender, Kaspersky and Sophos were the heroes of that test, performing flawlessly.

Any thoughts? It actually scares the living poop out of me. Let me explain. Before the last few weeks, as this has happened twice in that time, I always presumed Steam was safe and I would just download without thinking about it. it's likely I would have been suspicious of an external site to download a so called demo, so may not have clicked on it, but I have no animosity towards anyone who would do so and think it's an entirely reasonable reaction. So a computer protected with Kaspersky, in that scenario, would have had all its passwords stolen and malware running until Kaspersky was updated to detect it. The damage done in the meantime could be immeasurable.

And yes, I think that's a really scary proposition as this is the stuff we are trying to avoid. Loading browsers in the background and password stealing among other things, is malicious b behavioral, so I would expect the behaviour analysis to pick it up, at the very least.

I really would love to hear what others think about this - personally I hate AVG and Avast so much that it's still not something that would ever make me switch to them when my Kaspersky expires in August, but it does make one think how easily in this day and age that we can lose everything with one click.




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