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We are having serious difficulties when setting up Web Control Rules. Example, how do you set a rule that allows Web-based emails but blocks Social Media?
Nikolay Arinchev
Hi, Could you please clarify what resources exactly you are trying to block?
We want to set a rule whereby any audio or video streaming are blocked. Example: we want to stop spotify, internet radio and youtube
Nikolay Arinchev
Is it possible to block some particular resources(by specifying IP-addresses) such as youtube?
I am sorry, don't know what you mean. How can I block YouTube and and Spotify using Web controls in security profile?
Nikolay Arinchev
I mean, that it is possible to block resources by category of data, such as video, forums, chats and so on or you can block a resource, that provides that data by specifying it` s IP or domain name, for example "https://youtube.com" or "". In that case "youtube.com" will be inaccessible, but you still be able to view a video from any other resource. Please refer to the article(https://help.kaspersky.com/KESWin/11.1.1/en-US/176743.htm) for more info. Thank you!
Thanks for your reply. We have tried both your solutions and it still does not work. Also we are using Kaspersky Enpoint Security Plus which is cloud based. Blocking audio as a group is not working. We have been in touch with your local representative in Malta, Europe who are opening a Support ticket with you as they have also tested this. We have a trial license and would like to get this resolved before we commit to purchase a license. Thanks

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