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Kasperky CPU usage while playing game

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I have a question regarding Kaspersky Total Security. I have been trying to play a Steam game called Resident Evil 4, aka Biohazard 4. I noticed that when I launch this game and try to play my Kaspersky usage in my task manager goes to 27% and stays around 24-28%. 

I don’t think that this is normal but I could also be wrong. I have gone throuth the check lists of having “Idle Scan” set to off as well as “release resources to the operating system when computer starts”. As well as “Search for system malicious programs in system rootkits”, so far nothing has changed the Kaspersky usage. 


I also, by default have “gaming mode” set to on. Besides this, I think the only thing I can do is play with Kaspersky set to off.


I recently did a new reformat of my SSD of which my OS is installed on, Windows 10 (64Bit), I have Kaspersky installed on my main SSD and my games from Steam installed on a different SSD. For my computer I have a, 4770k non OC, a GTX 1080, and 32Gigs of RAM on a 4k TV. I have HDR off and for this game I set the native resolution to 1080p.


Am I doing something wrong?




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Hello @TmLIsMe1408

Please tell us:

  1. W10 version & build?
  2. KTS version & patch(x)? x=letter? 
  3. After the reformat, which was installed first, Steam or Kaspersky Total Security? 
  4. Is the issue, when playing Resident Evil 4-Biohazard 4, Kaspersky usage in the Windows Task Manager goes to 27% and stays around 24-28%, or is it not possible to play Resident Evil 4-Biohazard 4?
  5. Has Steam been reinstalled?
  6. Before installing Kaspersky Total Security was a software compatibilty check run? 
  7. Please replicate the issue, open KTS, select More Tools, select Reports, select Detailed Reports, select All Events, select 24hrs, select Exportsave the Report as a .txt file, attach📎 the Report to your reply please?  
  8. Run a GSI & Windows Logs, attach📎 the .zip to your reply or upload to cloud & post the link please? 

Thank you🙏 


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