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Issue with Kaspersky Opentip

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So there has been an issue with Kaspersky Opentip for awhile, the issue is to do with the "Submit to reanalyze" button.

The max upload size on Kaspersky Opentip is 256MB, if you submit a file that's above 51MB to Kaspersky Opentip and click the "Submit to reanalyze" button you'll get an email sent to you saying the following:

Your message wasn't delivered to anyone because it's too large. The limit is 51 MB.




Inside the attachment that was added to the email is the following (note I have replaced my email with *****@*****.tld):

Received: from hqmailmbx9.avp.ru ( by hqmailmbx9.avp.ru
 ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
 cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384_P256) id 15.1.2507.27; Sun, 2
 Jul 2023 11:24:33 +0300
Received: from be-l1 ( by mail.avp.ru ( with Microsoft
 SMTP Server id 15.1.2507.27 via Frontend Transport; Sun, 2 Jul 2023 11:24:33
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: <*****@*****.tld>
To: <*****@*****.tld>
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2023 11:24:33 +0300
Subject: Kaspersky Anti-virus Lab replies to your request [VD3] [FILE:X]
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Message-ID: <*****@*****.tld>
Return-Path: *****@*****.tld
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Jul 2023 08:24:33.7663
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-Network-Message-Id: 0566dc82-020d-44bd-ccd1-08db7ad5c3fa
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource: hqmailmbx9.avp.ru
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs: Internal
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthMechanism: 10
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-Cross-Premises-Headers-Processed: hqmailmbx9.avp.ru
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-OrderedPrecisionLatencyInProgress: LSRV=hqmailmbx9.avp.ru:TOTAL-FE=0.007|SMR=0.007(SMRPI=0.005(SMRPI-FrontendProxyAgent=0.005));2023-07-02T08:24:33.773Z
X-MS-Exchange-Forest-ArrivalHubServer: hqmailmbx9.avp.ru
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-FromEntityHeader: Internet
X-KSE-ServerInfo: hqmailmbx9.avp.ru, 9
X-KSE-AntiSpam-Interceptor-Info: addressee white listed
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-OriginalSize: 97206880
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-HygienePolicy: Standard
X-KSE-Antivirus-Interceptor-Info: addressee white listed
X-KSE-AttachmentFiltering-Interceptor-Info: no applicable attachment filtering
 rules found
X-KSE-BulkMessagesFiltering-Scan-Result: sender external



This has been a major issue for awhile and I know everyone else is also facing this problem, this problems means users aren't able to resubmit files for analysis above 51MB through Kaspersky Opentip.


To reproduce this exact same issue just submit a file above 51MB to Kaspersky Opentip and click the resubmit for analysis button, you will then get an email sent to you (the one you provided when you clicked resubmit for analysis) saying that your message wasn't deliverted to anyone because it's too large. The limit is 51MB.


Hopefully someone will see this post and forward it to get this problem solved.

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It would be greatly appreciated if this issue could be addressed. I have been experiencing the same problem for an extended period of time and have attempted to reach out to the support team as well. However, regrettably, it seems that Opentip feedback is not thoroughly reviewed. I kindly request that this matter be resolved promptly.

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It's weird, until yesterday I did not get this issue, but usually my sendings are below 51MB... but yesterday tried to send a 67MB and BOOM! got it finally!


I've used this as a workaround: I've sent an email to newvirus @ kaspersky . com, attaching on it the link to the malware sample from my private own MEGA cloud service ?

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1 minute ago, harlan4096 said:

It's weird, until yesterday I did not get this issue, but usually my sendings are below 51MB... but yesterday tried to send a 67MB and BOOM! got it finally!


I've used this as a workaround: I've sent an email to newvirus @ kaspersky . com, attaching on it the link to the malware sample from my private own MEGA cloud service ?

Yeah but my point is we shouldn't have to use workarounds, the problem needs to be fixed.

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