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Is Kaspersky messing with youtube?


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For context I had a hard drive fail the other week and had to get a new computer, fortunately most of my stuff was able to be saved and transferred however my Kasperksy was not. So I had to make do with the McAfee they gave us until I finally got around to re-downloading Kaspersky earlier today.

My problem is that ever since I re-downloaded Kaspersky youtube videos won’t start right away. They take longer to load instead of just playing right away.

Considering the only thing I changed today was re-downloading Kaspersky I have to make a connection between the two. Is there? And if so how do I fix this?

Once the video actually starts playing it’s fine.

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@Maswartz Do you encounter this issue with all Browsers ?

I only use Firefox and as I mentioned it’s not every time I try to watch a youtube video but enough times for it to be annoying.

I just checked Chrome and clicked a bunch of random videos and they all started right away. So what broke and how do I fix it?

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