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Is it possible just to back up the entire content of Drive D onto Drive E ?

Go to solution Solved by Igor Kurzin,

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My PC has three hard drives.

Drive C on which all the programmes are located.

Drive D on which I save all documents, pictures, video….etc.

Drive E which is currently empty and which I want to back up Drive D to.


However, using Kaspersky back up, it seems that I can only back up either:


  1. All on desktop and in My Documents, or
  2. All photos, or
  3. All videos.
  4. etc….

None of these are what I want as the first lies on Drive C, and the others are just one type of file.

OR, I can select from a particular folder.

This is also no use,. as I have more than one folder on Drive D.


Is it possible just to back up the entire content of Drive D onto Drive E ?

Isn’t this what most people would want ?


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  • Solution

Hi @Lespaul59 , backup of the entire drive is not possible. The workaround would be to create a folder with any name on drive D (e.g. 15_01_backup), then move all the folders of drive D to the 15_01_backup folder, then do the backup of this folder to drive E. Then move all the folders back to the root of drive D. 



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