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I didn't know that means access like administration's rights, now I don't have available my right of administration.

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Hello,  I have this problem 

I offered access at my device-laptop to Kaspersky, but I didn't know that means access like administration's rights, now I don't have available my right of administration.  I have all the firewall of, internet access denied and after that  to solve this situation I made uninstall the program.... how could I solve this issue? Without internet,  without network access and restricted like admin? Kaspersky is the administrator now 


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Hello, Igor

This issue made me crazy! How they have "special rights " how? And why? 


I don't have any usb ports availables 

I can't use the program they said to solve 

This is the number: Kaspersky Lab Technical Support - ID INC000011429286



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I found the similar situation in 2010 year at the others on the forum..... why the situation is the same?! Many years 

I didn't know this can happen 

This is only the business way? To make money and creat problems?

3 days I left money? Because I can't creat anything for me..... 

This is a joke for you kaspersky guys?!

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