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How to remove Safe Website

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I downloaded the Free version and I ended up not liking it. I ran into issues uninstalling it via Add or remove, so I ended up using the Removal Tool. I thought I got it all removed, but I'm still left with with the Safe website search in all my Google searches. I tried to see if it was in Extension, but it was not. So I checked Add or Remove and it's also not there. How can I get this removed from my system. It's a bit frustrating that this company is forcing me to go through hoops to get this software uninstalled and even when using their tool to remove all traces, it fails to do that. 



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Nvm, I managed to get it removed. I had to delete all the left over registry and folder, then restart my computer. Would recommend creating a PowerShell script to query it for you so you don't miss everything. 

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