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How to identify my devices in MyKaspersky?

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The several PCs on my home network have names like DESKTOP-5H7ED6Q in my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices I’d like to know which is which, I know I can change the names to something meaningful but first I need to know which of the existing names belong to which PC.  I tried looking for it in the copy of Kaspersky on an individual PC but failed.

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Hello @rob2020,


  1. For each device, in (Windows), select Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System - the display Window will show the name of the device. 
  2. Alternatively, in Windows, select Start, type in “Computer name” (without the quotes), the display Window will show the name of the device.
  3. 3rd method, in Windows, select Start, type in “System” (without the quotes), select System Information from the list, the display Window will show the System name information = device name. 
  • If the device is renamed in Windows, it will be reflected in the MyKaspersky account. 

Thank you🙏


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  • 10 months later...



  1. The image you’ve shown is for the software, what do you see when you go to https://my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices#/
  2. Since change the device name, has the device been fully powered off/on, logged in & resynced with your MyKaspersky account? 



Please post full screen images?

Thank you🙏


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Thank you for the image and information👌

  1. Do any of the computer names, showing in (your) MyKaspersky account match the actual computer names? 
  2. To sync each computer with (your) MyKaspersky account, from the Kaspersky Small Office Security application, sign into the MyKaspersky account. 

Please let us know the outcome? 

Thank you🙏


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  • 3 months later...

Hello, I have the same issue.


My computers were named DESKTOP-XYZ, DESKTOP-ABC etc when I first installed Kaspersky total security. Now I have renamed them but in my.Kaspersky.com the still appear with the old names. 

They are all online, updated etc and I can check on the security status of all of them online. However, I can’t figure which one is which.

In one of the computers I logged out and then logged back in the My Kaspersky screen:

However, the computer (device) name did not update in https://my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices#/

I tried clicking on “Go to My Kaspersky” button above (after re-logging in) with no success either.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same issue.  The computer names and the name in the Devices section of my account are not the same.  I have opened both and logged into my account.  The name does not correct itself.

Question:  How do you synchronize the names?

My O/S is Win 10.  Kaspersky is Total Security.



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  • 7 months later...

I have the same issue, any updates on how to sync the names?

Hello @Yaska


The process we use is:

  1. Make sure you have a copy of the License Key & Activation code. 
  2. Rename the physical device. 
  3. In (your) MyKaspersky account, for the device you’ve renamed, select Disconnect device.
  4. Logout of (your) MyKaspersky account. 
  5. Shutdown the device using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login. 
  6. Make sure the Kaspersky application is running/active. 
  7. Log into (your) MyKaspersky account, check the Devices tab to ensure the Kaspersky application & the MyKaspersky account have synchronised & the renamed device is now reflected in (your) MyKaspersky account. 

Note: in our video, we selected “Restart later” so we could make the video, we actually selected Restart now as soon as we’d saved the video:



Thank you🙏


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