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How to find Java 8 Update 281

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Total Security tells me, to update Java on version 281 by using Java Homepage. On Homepage only SE8 291 is available. Where  can I find version 281?

Hello @Sunwind0 
We had the same issue. 
Do the following:

  • [A] Download Java Version 8 Update 291 & update. 

After the update is complete, do the following:

  1. Export KTS Settings. 
  2. Restore KTS Settings. 
  3. Power OFF computer using Shutdown, not Restart. 
  4. Power ON, login, do not start any applications ATM except KTS
  5. Run a manual Database update →  allow it to complete. 
  6. Run a Vulnerability scan → allow it to complete. 
  7. Run the Software updater → allow it to complete. 
  8. Check if KTS is again reporting the incorrect Java version? 

Please let us know the outcome?

Thank you🙏
Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hallo Flood,

Tanks for quick advice! But I am a PC fool. Can you explain how to export KTS settings and Restore again? My program version is German (don’t know wher the version can be identified). Does not offer any Export option.


Another question: Since appr.1year the KTS data base does not uptate automatically. I always have to update manually. The advice which was mentioned here does not fit for my version as the Germen menu seems to be quite different (no checkbox for uptate while idle)

regards Sunwind

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Hello @Sunwind0

You’re most welcome☺ !

  1. Which KTS version & patch(x) x = letter, is installed? 

On the Windows Taskbar or Windows hidden icons → far right on the Windows taskbar, select the tiny upside down V, then rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About



Before we do the Settings, Export & Restore & because there’s a Database update issue, let’s see if updating KTS to the most recent version fixes both issues. 

We’ll step you thru the process as soon as we have the version & patch information please? 

Thank you🙏
Flood🐳 +🐋

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