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How to exclude/ignore a VM .iso for Kali Linux loaded with known hacking programs.

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For one of my classes in information and security, we were given a VM .iso for Kali Linux to work with. But Kaspersky scans really hate it. The .iso is pre-loaded with hacking programs and the like to be used for lab assignments, and every Kaspersky search alerts me to hundreds of “threats” all in the .iso file. Not to mention it takes forever for it to actually get done scanning just the .iso file. The physical computer actually running the Kaspersky is Windows 10.

I’ve tried adding the .iso file itself in my downloads folder to the scan exceptions, but it keeps picking up the files inside and yelling at me. I really don’t want to add hundreds of files manually to the exception list or keep pressing the Ignore button every time I run a scan. Any help in getting Kaspersky to actually stop scanning my VM .iso? Sorry if I’m posting in the wrong place. First time on these forums, and the English/Russian is kind of throwing me.

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