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How to Disable Automatic Renewal of License?

Go to solution Solved by kirritai,

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I am posting this here within the Fora, as All Previous discussions are no longer valid, and a searchable solution Should be available to customers.

My Subscription has 10 days left, in which I was Not going to renew My license, because I have Purchased another Software to try, but was waiting for the 10 days to expire, because I have Paid for them.

Your system has Automatically Renewed My license, at Twice the price I Originally paid for it.

Your Documentation is Not updated, so All of the context explaining how to disable the feature, leads Nowhere, displayed partially in the first attachment.

I tried to contact digitalriver to stop the purchase from there, but on Every attempt, I am met with the issue in the second attachment.

The third attachment displays that Your Documentation, is outdated, as the ‘Unsubscribe’ feature, is nolonger available.

How do I Disable Automatic Renewal of License, in 2021?

Win 10
Total Security
Expires 26 September 2021
Automatically renewed 15 September 2021


Thank You in Advance

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By dropping links to Technical Support, are either stating that

a.) There is No process in which a Paid Customer can Manually Deactivate Auto Renewal?


b.) These Answers are Not provided in a Community Forum.

Within that Chat feature provided, there is No option to Disable Auto Renewal.
You just have to select ‘Other’, then explain the issue in detail, in which case, I have sent them a link to This page.

Thank You

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Hello @kirritai

On the support page, select CHAT, a Kaspersky Technical Support agent will help you via a live chat → after filling in both forms, the live chat system will create an incident record #, select Chat with an agent,  another window will open, enter your name, & select Start the chat, & accept the Privacy consent, the live chat session will continue from there: 






Thank you🙏


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As we said in our first reply & as it says in the documentation, IF a Kaspersky subscriber is unable to cancel auto-renewal, contact Kaspersky Technical Support, they will assist.

Hi, that statement is misrepresentation of the facts.

There is a substantial difference between ‘Not being unable to’ and ‘being No Option to’.

As mentioned in My previous statement, there Is No Way for a Purchaser/Customer to disable this, as Mentioned By Chris via the Support Chat You linked to, when I asked to disable the feature myself.
But if You have any standing within this company, You could read those logs Yourself.


The fact of the matter is, that even after the autosubscription was ‘Cancelled’, it still states otherwise in My account, as shown in the attached file.

I will put that down to latency.

Thank You

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