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helprecover@foxmail.com ransomware

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I Got Infected by this ransomware, my files got encrypted, then I installed New Windows but some files which got encrypted are there , how can I separate those which are encrypted from those not encrypted and delete those encrypted files , as I just Want to get whatever I can get access

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I Got Infected by this ransomware, my files got encrypted, then I installed New Windows but some files which got encrypted are there , how can I separate those which are encrypted from those not encrypted and delete those encrypted files , as I just Want to get whatever I can get access

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@Kumbha Ram Welcome

Please check this :

https://noransom.kaspersky.com/  (*)

(*) Also :  “Ask for the tech support (only for Kaspersky’s paid products customers)”


These are tools to dencrypt

I need way to separate the encrypted from those not encrypted

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