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Full scan changed the behavior and now is counting more files than it always have been;

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Since May 2th I have noticed full scan I do every week as precaution that, at the report data and during the scan, the full scan is showing more files detected than it was compare to a week before.

I don’t know what behavior caused this because both of HDs are keeping the same storage as before and nothing would explain why Kaspersky Internet Security all the sudden changed the behavior?

I am aware there are advanced configurations under this full scan and I always have been using the same settings so doesn’t make unless on the latest 10 days KIS have received some update that changed this behavior.

I just want to know what is happening.

Advanced configuration part  1
Advanced configuration part 2



The settings were marked this way for over 2 years so I don’t know what changed in the past 9 days when on April 25th full scan used to act as normal.


These directories were selected long time so can full scan can make repeated scans while scanning mainly both hard drives and count more files.    PT1
These directories were selected long time so can full scan can make repeated scans while scanning mainly both hard drives and count more files.   PT 2

On full scan at April 25th the report showed 982.823 files and since May 2th the full scan counted 2.135.059 so there is something really big and odd on this change.

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Hello @Psiu47


  • Please log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, they will require a GSI & Windows Logs, a detailed history, the KIS Scan Report, images & they may ask for Traces, captured as the issue is replicated.  
  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.

Thank you🙏


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I already have done this procedure but since I didn’t know what tags should I place along this thread I still got my question about if there have been some update in the past 10 days would change the program to scan more files if the space on all hard drivers are still the same. 

I have 230 gb on main HD and on the second 48,3 gb. Before May 2th full scan used to count around 982.823 files and in the past 4 days the weekly full scan I do did count 2.135.059.

What have changed in the program to execute such extension in the scan if my PC did not change amount of the space being storaged nor if I haven’t altered the advanced configurations on where to search, scan. By my counts it seems like full scan is doing three times the verification instead one to give such result on that amount of files in the report.  

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Hello @Psiu47


  • When you say “I’ve already have done this procedure”, do you mean you’ve already logged a case with Kaspersky Technical Support and provided them with data to analyse?
  • If “yes”, what did they say?
  • If “no, please do so, they will assist by investigating the specific issue. 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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The first response, they have presumed the changes ‘’could be’’ related to an expansion to %temp% folder but I have checked and only contain 2.776 files which would not add a million more along everything else stored on both hard drives.

Very upset with their letter and this community for not acknowledging what I am going through and how annoying this can be.

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Hello @Psiu47

Thank you for updating us👌 

  • We do understand this is a difficult & frustrating issue for you, however, the Kaspersky Community is made up of people just like you, all users of Kaspersky software; we all volunteer our time to assist other Community members, just like you; we have no relationship with the Kaspersky business whatsoever; additionally, there’s a small number of Kaspersky employees, who occasionally participate in contributing. 
  • We have no knowledge or access to your records, nor any information between you & the Kaspersky Technical Support Team, other than what you actually share, here is your topic. 
  • We encourage you to continue to engage with Kaspersky Technical Support Team, they do have the resources available to assist you. 
  • When it’s available, please let us know how they help you resolve the issue? 

Thank you🙏


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