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I found that a normal:


https://cloud . mail. ru/public/ty1A/kLEbHQ7a7


That simply displays a message is recognized by Kaspersky as a trojan (Trojan.Win32.Bsymem.gen).


Do you think this is normal?



#include <windows.h>

int main()
    ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE);
    MessageBox(NULL, L"Hello!", L"ConsoleApplication1", MB_OK);
    return 0;
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55 minutes ago, Dmitry Stark said:

Moderator incorrectly edited the text of the message, completely distorting its meaning. I meant that a normal console application that doesn't do anything bad detected as a trojan.

I haven't changed nothing of Your msg, just removed the direct link to possible malware, it does not mind if just a normal console app or not, direct links are not allowed.

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15 минут назад, harlan4096 сказал:

I haven't changed any of Your msg, just removed the direct link to possible malware, it does not mind if just a normal console app or not, direct links are not allowed.

I didn't mean it. Take a look at the text of the post you edited. Was it possible to edit the text normally?
For example:

I found that a normal console application that simply displays a message is recognized by Kaspersky as a trojan (Trojan.Win32.Bsymem.gen).

https://cloud . mail. ru/public/ty1A/kLEbHQ7a7


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