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exceeded maximum number of activations allowed

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i reported to technical support on Jun 24 2019 and i haven't receive any answer , what should i do ?
Hello Agoldenhita, Welcome! When you reported the issue to the Technical Support Team were you provided with an incident reference number, usually in the format of 1NC+12 numbers (e.g. INC100004537611). Unfortunately, the Kaspersky Community have no ability to fix any licencing issues. The only place to receive assistance is via the Kaspersky Lab Technical Support Team. Sometimes, the team may take some time to provide support, however, it's important that you followup any issues you've raised with them. There may be a reason why you've not heard anything. If you have an INC# it's very easy for them to look up the history and assist rather than start all over again. Best regards. https://support.kaspersky.com/common/error/activation/10993 https://support.kaspersky.com/common/error/activation/13593
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