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Error: This file does not have an app with it for performing this action. Can't install KIS21.2.16... .exe.

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When I try to install Kaspersky internet security the above error msg occurred and could not complete the installation.  I alreay purchased internet security for 2 years but unable to installe. (before I had Kespersky total security for 2 years without any issue.)

I am waiting for youe support.

Thank you



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @Ilamperuma 

Welcome and apologies for the delay responding to your post😥

  1. Has a check for any applications installed on the computer that are incompatible with KIS been done?
  2. Do all Windows updates have a “Successfully applied” status? 
  3. Has all old/original Kaspersky software been removed? 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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