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Does Kaspersky add password to protected Zip Files?


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I don’t generally add passwords to my home computer, but I had to download a zip file of my medical records from the hospital and its requiring a password to extract and save, I’ve tried all the passwords that I generally use on this PC, but no success. I guess my first question would be, did Kaspersky automatically install a password? I tried my Kaspersky password also. I also checked with the hospital to see if they put a password on it. 

My second question would be, I see plenty of online assist hits concerning this but they all, (so far), require a download of an encryption program, That alone seems risky. Anyone have any positive experience with those? Just use the title of this conversation in your favorite search giant.

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Hello @askarl, Welcome.

Kaspersky does not put passwords in user files, nor does Kaspersky change them.

Your best choice is to contact the hospital. The person who created or sent the archive probably set the password and can give it to you.

I would never use unlocking tools. You can't know what you are loading on the computer.
Health data is sensitive data, you should not experiment with it.

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I spoke directly to the person that sent the files and they say there’s no process in place to add a password. Only real reason I’m checking with THIS forum is because I just started with this product and this is a new issue. I may have to try this in a Windows 10 forum. 

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The medical site I’m in has a download file process that’s working the same as having their office send it to me directly. I tried five times before bothering them and the results were all the same. Only exception is that when their office sent it, screenshot 353 showed up. I was thinking, COOL!! That password didn’t do anything. I called them and they said they didn’t put it in there. 

Options on getting my files are, they’ll burn me a CD, They can fax them to me 50 pages at a time, or I can drive to their office and pick up a printed version. Presently, I have a note in to them asking if there are any other options and why they can’t email them to me? I don’t run into very many zip files, but I don’t remember this ever being an issue. I, personally, believe its my PC.

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Hello @askarl,

I am sorry that you have problems with the file. But I can assure you that it has nothing to do with Kaspersky.

Is the download through a one-click hoster? Is this a message from the browser or from the website? Can you try with another browser?

Personally, I have the impression that the website is not working properly. In this case I would prefer to have the CD sent to me.

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