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Devices are duplicated in the devices list

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Hello All,

Please, what can explain that a device is duplicated in the Kaspersky Business Hub list and how can I fix it ? 

I just started running KES Cloud Pro in my company and I noticed that some devices are duplicated in my device list. When it happens, the device name will have variants changing from "OriginalDeviceName" to "OriginalDeviceName~~RandomNumbers" (refer to the screenshot attached).

I initially thought it is related to the number of user sessions in the computer. I therefore tried to delete the duplicated device from the list, but then it fully uninstall Kaspersky on the computer even though the original device remains in the list. 

My main issue is that all those duplicates counts towards my number of licenses. I am now close to my number of licenses limit whilst the actual number of devices on which I did the installation is much lower.


Issue - KES Cloud Pro.jpg

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I've got the exact same issue which started last Saturday for one of my users. I'm also using KES Cloud Pro. The hostname of his device did not change. I ran out of license for his new registration. I'm not sure what are all the unique identifiers for the kaspersky product but I suspect one changed. I would like to know so I can check on his device and figure out what changed it.


Could it be related to Windows updates, VPN, IP region, Addition of external devices, permissions, etc...?



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